


Illinois General Assembly Schedule
Fall Veto Session: November 12-13-14, 19-20-21 
Upcoming Deadlines

Committee Hearing Schedule on Tracked Bills 

No Committees at this time.

Bill Tracking (Latest Update June 24)

United Counties Council of Illinois (UCCI) tracks legislation pending before the Illinois General Assembly that is of interest to county government.  Access to currently active proposed legislation being tracked is available through the reports listed below.  A schedule, by date, of those pieces of legislation being tracked by UCCI that are currently set for committee hearing is provided above for your review and information. Other reports of interest on tracked legislation can be found below.

2024 Active Bills

2023 Public Acts

2024 Priority Policy Issues

Local Government Distributive Fund
Counties are aligned with our municipal partners in seeking an increase in the percentage of the State Income Tax distributed to counties and municipalities through the Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF). Counties are requesting an incremental restoration of the full 10 percent of State Income Tax revenue collected by the state and shared with counties and municipalities on a per capita basis. This percentage was reduced in 2011 and currently is 6.47 percent of State Income Tax collections.

Grocery Tax
Governor Pritzker proposed an elimination of the 1 percent sales tax on groceries collected by the State and allocated to counties and municipalities. The annual revenue loss to local governments is estimated at approximately $325 million dollars in the aggregate. Counties request that, if the Governor and General Assembly choose to eliminate this tax, an equivalent appropriation of state funds be allocated to affected local governments to offset the loss of revenue.

SAFE-T Act Funding
The implementation of the SAFE-T Act imposed additional costs on counties. These costs include additional personnel necessary to fulfill the new requirements under the Pre-Trial Fairness Act. Without adequate funding, courts may face challenges in maintaining the required staff, services and operational capacity necessitated by the SAFE-T Act. Counties request that the Governor and General Assembly partner with them to ensure that our courts have the resources necessary to contribute to the successful implementation of the SAFE-T Act.

Wind and Solar Siting Flexibility
Public Act 102-1123 removed county authority over the siting of wind and solar facilities. Counties are not seeking a repeal of this provision, but are requesting that the Governor and General Assembly work cooperatively with counties to make some modifications and clarifications to existing law. These recommended changes will be shared with legislators for discussion and consideration later during the spring session. 


UCCI will occasionally request that members contact legislators about various legislative proposals, in support or opposition. It is essential when communicating a position to legislators to state your reasons why.